ECM Customer Service

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Price: € 450.00


This course can be delivered as either an online or blended learning course. It is provided in 10 modules which are covered online and requires either 1 master class or assignment.

Our “Customer Service Skills Course” is certified by the prestigious European College of Management (

This course will be of distinct advantage for any person looking to work within the Hotel & Tourism industry, Marketing industry, Multinationals, Banking, Call Centres etc.

Customer Service is at the core and backbone of all businesses and also forms an integral part of any marketing strategy. Given that word of mouth is the best form of marketing, the customers experience is crucial and often the difference between a successful or declining business. 

Our Customer Service Course consists of 10 x 40 minutes (aprox.) modules. 
2 progress tests at intervals to demonstrate your understanding of the course materials and final exam at the end.

Empowerment and Customer Service System
Empowerment of staff and customers, Co-production “ and why it works, Designing a customer service system, Relationship marketing.

Ethics and New Trends in Customer Service
Ethics in customer service, New trends in customer service, Confronting conflict and problem solving, Negotiation skills.

Problem Solving & Customer Service Strategy
How and when to apologise to customers, Problem solving for customers, Implementing a strategy for successful customer service

Customer Service & Exceeding Expectations
Examples of customer service, Costs of losing/gaining customers, Barriers to excellent service, Exceeding customer expectations.

Barriers to Communication & Phone Techniques
What is communication? Barriers to listening, Barriers to communication, Answering the phone, Appealing to the senses.

Challanging Customers and Dealing with Them
Challenging or difficult customers, Characteristics of challenging customers, Different types of challenging customers, How to deal with them.

Motivating Staff, Morale and Leadership
Motivating Staff, Understanding staff morale, Self concept and self esteem, Teamwork and leadership.

Customer Retention Policies & Lifetime Value
Customer retention policy, Customer defections and “churn” rate, Customer lifetime value, Measuring customer satisfaction.

Up-selling, Cross-selling and Closing the Sale
Promoting additional sales to customers, Closing the sale and closing techniques, Handling the competition and USPs, Up-selling and cross-selling.

Managing Capacity, Demand & Strategy
Managing your capacity and customer demand, Benefits of excellent customer service, Strategy for success, On-line customer care.